
Matching information

Matching information

Introduction For the IELTS listening matching information question type you will need to listen to a recording and match two sets of information. This question type normally occurs in parts 1 and 3 where you hear a conversation between two or more people. Matching information sample task Source: Official IELTS website www. Strategy Before the recording Read the question Utilize the time before the recording to read the question carefully. Try to understand what is being asked in the question as this will help you answer the questions. Understand what is being asked Source: Official IELTS website www. In the question above you are given three options, each of these options is a decision taken by Jack for the various courses. You need to match the decision made by Jack for each…
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IELTS Listening plan/map/diagram labelling

IELTS Listening plan/map/diagram labelling

Introduction In the IELTS Listening plan/map/diagram labelling question you will need to listen to a recording and label the given plan/map/diagram. This could be a map of a building, a college campus a map of a city etc. This type of question is considered easier because the graphic (plan/map/diagram) contains a lot of clues. Plan/map/diagram labelling sample task Source: Official IELTS website www. Strategy Before the recording Read the question Utilize the time before the recording to read the question carefully. Read the instructions carefully about what needs to be done. The instructions can vary in this question type. Example Source: Official IELTS website www. The instructions above clearly specify that you must choose only Five answers from the box with 9 options(A-I). Four of the given options will not be used.…
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Sentence completion

Sentence completion

Introduction Sentence completion is an IELTS Listening task that requires you to listen to a recording and complete the sentences given by choosing the correct answers from the recording. In this question type, you will hear a conversation between two individuals talking about a training or an educational situation. Sentence completion sample task Source: Official IELTS website www. Strategy Before the recording Read the question Utilize the time before the recording to read the question carefully. Make a mental note of how many words can be used to answer the question as this can vary. Example Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer It is critical to stick to the word limit mentioned in the question or you will lose marks. The example above clearly states to use no…
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Short answer questions

Short answer questions

Introduction In the IELTS Listening short answer questions, you will hear a monologue about everyday life or a social context e.g. a recruiter hiring for a particular job and, you will need to answer the questions by choosing the correct answers from the recording you hear. Short answer question sample task Source: Official IELTS website www. Strategy Before the recording Read the question Utilize the time before the recording to read the question carefully. Make a mental note of how many words can be used to answer the question as this can vary. Example 1 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Example 2 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Example 3 Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A…
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Multiple choice

Multiple choice

Introduction IELTS Listening multiple choice is a question type where you have to listen to a recording and select one or more than one answer option from the given choices. This is one of the most difficult task types in the listening section of the IELTS test. This task is difficult because it requires you to multi-task. You have to read and understand the question, listen to the recording and find the correct answers. Types of IELTS Listening Multiple choice There are two types of multiple choice questions in the IELTS Listening test. Multiple choice(one answer) - In this type of question you have to select one option as an answer from the given 3 or 4 options. Multiple choice(Multiple answers) - In this type of question you have to…
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IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking

Attempting the IELTS Speaking test can be unnerving. The thought of giving a recorded interview to a total stranger can unsettle even a native English speaker. So you must prepare and practice for the test, however, Before you start practising it is also important to understand what to expect in the test. The IELTS Speaking test is identical for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. The test lasts 11 to 14 minutes. It is a recorded face-to-face interview between the examiner and the test taker. Skills tested IELTS Speaking tests the following skills Fluency Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation The test has three parts Part 1 In part 1, the examiner will ask questions about yourself, your family, interests, hobbies, etc. It lasts for about 4-5 minutes. The interaction in part…
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IELTS Writing

IELTS Writing

IELTS Academic writing The IELTS Academic writing test consists of two writing questions/tasks. The total time allowed for the writing test is 60 minutes. The contribution of task 2 in marks is double that of task 1. The topics are academic and suitable for graduates and undergraduates. Task 1 In task 1 you will need to describe a table, graph, chart or diagram in your own words. You will get 20 minutes to write 150 words. Task 2 In task 2 you will need to write about a point of view, an argument or a problem in your own words. You will get 40 minutes to write 250 words. IELTS General Training writing The IELTS General Training test consists of two writing questions/tasks. The total time allowed for the writing…
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IELTS Reading

IELTS Reading

IELTS Reading has a total of 3 sections. It has a duration of 60 minutes to complete 40 questions. You get 1 mark for each correct answer. The IELTS Reading section for both IELTS Academic and General Training tests has similar questions. The sources of texts for both these are different as in IELTS Academic you will get texts from books journals, magazines, newspapers and online resources. Whereas in the IELTS General Training test, you will get texts from everyday topics, work topics and topics of general interest. IELTS Reading Tasks / Questions IELTS Reading has the following questions/tasks Multiple choice The Multiple-choice question has four possible answers to a question, and you have to select one or more correct answers from the options. Please read the question carefully to…
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IELTS Listening

IELTS Listening

The IELTS Listening test is common for IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests. The duration of the test is 30 minutes. There are 40 questions in total and you get 1 mark for each correct answer. Listening Tasks / Questions The IELTS Listening test has a variety of question types and you can get any 4 question types/ tasks from the ones mentioned below Multiple choice In this question type, you will be asked to choose one correct answer from three answer options, or you may be asked to choose more than one correct option from the given options based on the audio that you hear. Read the question carefully to confirm whether you must choose one correct option or more. Short-answer questions In this question type, you will…
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IELTS Syllabus

IELTS Syllabus

Types of IELTS test Understanding the IELTS syllabus is one of the first and most important steps in your success journey with IELTS. IELTS tests can be divided into two main types based on your goal or purpose. 1 IELTS Academic IELTS Academic is used for applying for admission to various universities, colleges and institutions. 2 IELTS General Training IELTS General Training on the other hand is used for immigration purposes or applying for various visas. IELTS Academic Listening (30 minutes)The Listening part has four recordings of native English speakers. You will have to listen to them and then answer the questions asked.Reading (60 minutes)1. Three reading passages with tasks.2. Texts may include diagrams, graphs or illustrations.3. Texts are derived from books, journals, magazines and newspapers.Writing (60 minutes)1. The test…
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