The Select missing word is a PTE task that tests your ability to listen carefully to a recording of 20-70 seconds, understand its meaning and predict the missing part of the recording based on what has been said by selecting the correct option from amongst 3-5 answer options.
There are a total of 2 to 3 select missing word tasks in the exam.
Please memorize the mind map given at the top, these activities need to be followed in the mentioned sequence. It is essential for success.
Critical stuff
- Use the 7 seconds to read the question prompt. This will help you identify the topic of the recording.
- Understand the meaning of what the speaker says in the recording, as without meaning you will be unable to predict the missing part of the recording.
- Keep a check on the progress bar on the screen as you will know when the recording will end and thus you can focus on what is the missing part that will complete the meaning of the recording.
- Click next once you have selected the correct answer.
The Sequence of steps for the select missing word task
- A timer counts down 7 seconds.
- Utilize this time to read the question prompt. This will help you identify the topic of the recording that will follow next.
- Listen to the recording carefully and understand the meaning of what the speaker is trying to portray. This will make it easy for you to complete the missing part of the speech.
- Follow the progress bar on the screen which displays the progress of the recording. This will help you know when the recording will stop and a beep will follow.
- The beep signifies the words that are missing from the recording.
- After the recording stops read the answer options carefully and select the one that is correct and helps to complete the meaning of the recording.
- Click next once finished as the timer will keep on running for the entire listening part. Investing too much time on one task will
negatively impact the time available for other tasks.