Matching Sentence Endings

Matching Sentence Endings

Introduction In the IELTS reading sentence endings task you are given some incomplete sentences and some possible sentence endings, you have to select the correct endings after reading through a given text. This type of question is not very common in the test. IELTS Reading matching sentence endings sample task [Note: This is an extract from a Part 3 text about the scientific community in London in the1500s.] Science in 16th-century London The Jewel House, a new book by historical researcher and authorDeborah Harkness Deborah Harkness devotes her elegantand erudite new book, The Jewel House, to thescientific community in 16th-century London.She (rightly) argues that it is thanks to theimaginative collective efforts of the urbanscientists that London became the melting potin which a new mathematical andexperimental culture crystallized. Harkness is known…
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Diagram label completion

Diagram label completion

Introduction In the IELTS reading diagram label completion task you are given a diagram and have to complete the labels after reading through a given text. This task can be daunting as it is imperative to understand the diagram to complete it. IELTS Reading diagram label completion sample task [Note: This is an extract from an Academic Reading passage on the subject of a method ofproviding water to grow vegetables in desert regions. The text preceding this extract gavesome background facts about the development of the method.] Charlie Paton has built a giant structure on a desert island off Abu Dhabi in the PersianGulf – the first commercially viable version of his ‘seawater greenhouse’. Localscientists, working with Paton under a licence from his company Light Works, arewatering the desert and…
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Short-answer questions

Short-answer questions

Introduction In the IELTS Reading short answer question you have to answer a set of questions by reading a text in about two to three words. IELTS Reading short answer questions sample task Source: Official IELTS website www. IELTS Reading short answer question tips Stay within the word limit Identify the word limit for the answer and stay within it. Read the question Please read the questions understand them and then read the text. This will help you save time. Answers appear in the same order as the text A saving grace about these questions is that the answers will appear in the same order in the text. Identify the synonyms and paraphrasings Synonyms and paraphrasing will be used throughout the text. You should be able to identify the synonyms and…
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Flow-chart completion

Flow-chart completion

Introduction In the IELTS Reading flow-chart completion question type you are given a flow-chart with blanks, and you have to fill in the blanks with answers from the given text. This question type is quite common in the IELTS test. IELTS Reading flow-chart completion sample task [Note: This is an extract from a Part 3 text about the effect of a low-calorie diet on the agingprocess.] Adapted from ‘The Serious Search for an Anti-Aging Pill’. Copyright © 2006 Scientific American, adivision of Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. No treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging. But oneintervention, consumption of a low-calorie∗ yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incrediblywell in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health. Thosefindings suggest that caloric restriction…
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Summary completion

Summary completion

Introduction In the IELTS reading summary completion task you will need to complete the blanks in a summary using the given words. You might have to fill in the blanks from a given text. This task is similar to filling in-the-blank tasks we have encountered in our academic lives. IELTS Reading summary completion sample task [Note: This is an extract from a Part 3 text about the ‘Plain English’ movement, whichpromotes the use of clear English.] ‘The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language’, David Crystal, 3rd Edition, © Cambridge UniversityPress, 2010. The instructions accompanying do-it-yourself products are regularly cited as a sourceof unnecessary expense or frustration. Few companies seem to test their instructionsby having them followed by a first-time user. Often, essential information is omitted,steps in the construction process are taken for…
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Table completion

Table completion

Introduction In the IELTS reading table completion task, you must complete the blanks in a table by reading and finding the correct answers from a given text. IELTS Reading table completion sample task [Note: This is an extract from an Academic Reading passage on the subject of dung beetles.The text preceding this extract gave some background facts about dung beetles, and wenton to describe a decision to introduce non-native varieties to Australia.] Introducing dung beetles into a pasture is a simple process: approximately 1,500 beetlesare released, a handful at a time, into fresh cow pats in the cow pasture. The beetlesimmediately disappear beneath the pats digging and tunnelling and, if they successfullyadapt to their new environment, soon become a permanent, self-sustaining part of thelocal ecology. In time they multiply and…
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Sentence completion

Sentence completion

Introduction In the IELTS reading sentence completion task, you must complete the given sentences using the information in a passage. It is common to come across this question type in the IELTS reading test. These questions are similar to fill-in-the-blank questions which each of us has had experience with in our academic days. IELTS Reading sentence completion sample task [Note: This is an extract from a Part 2 task about the evolution of birds and their ancestry.] The origins of birds The science of evolutionary relationships has undergone a major change in recent decades. It usedto be the case that all the features of organisms were important in working out their family tree.But following the work of German entomologist Willi Hennig, many evolutionary scientists nowbelieve that the only features which…
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Matching features

Matching features

Introduction In the IELTS Reading matching features task, you will have to match a list of given items to a list of groups. To match the two, you must read and understand the given text. We have shared the strategies to answer this question type effectively, please follow them. IELTS Reading matching features sample task [Note: This is an extract from an Academic Reading passage on the development of rockets.The text preceding this extract explored the slow development of the rocket and explainedthe principle of propulsion.] The invention of rockets is linked inextricably with the invention of 'black powder'. Mosthistorians of technology credit the Chinese with its discovery. They base their belief onstudies of Chinese writings or on the notebooks of early Europeans who settled in ormade long visits to…
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Matching headings

Matching headings

Introduction In the IELTS reading matching headings questions, you must match the given headings with the various text sections. This task tests your ability to identify the main topic of a text. This question type is considered to be one of the most challenging tasks of the reading section. IELTS Reading matching headings sample task Source: Official IELTS website www. IELTS Reading matching headings sample task text Section A The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly. Often, however, governments act in an even more harmful way. They actually subsidise the exploitation and consumption of natural resources. A whole range of policies, from farm-price support to protection for coal-mining, do environmental damage and (often)…
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Identifying information

Identifying information

Introduction In the IELTS Reading identifying information (True/False/Not given) task, you will be given a text and a set of statements. You will need to read the text and ascertain whether each statement is true, false or not given as per the given text. Most of us have experienced True / False questions in our academic life, but we have not had any exposure to Not-given questions. This adds a new dimension to the True / False questions we have experience with. This is why a solid strategy is needed to counter these questions successfully. IELTS Reading Identifying information sample task Downloadable link to the text Academic-Reading-identifying-information-text Downloadable link to the questions Academic-Reading-identifying-information-questions Tips Avoid wasting too much time on the not-given statements One of the biggest challenges with this…
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