The Highlight incorrect words is a PTE task that tests your ability to listen to a recording of 15-50 seconds, compare it to a transcript of that recording on screen and select the words that don’t match.
There are a total of 2 to 3 Highlight incorrect words tasks in the exam.
Please memorize the mind map given at the top, these activities need to be followed in the mentioned sequence. It is essential for success.
Critical stuff
- Use the 10 seconds to skim through the transcript on the screen to familiarise yourself with the topic.
- listen to the recording and follow the transcript word to word.
- Click next once you have selected all the incorrect words.
The Sequence of steps for the highlight incorrect words task
- A timer counts down 10 seconds.
- Utilize this time to skim through the transcript presented on the screen. It will familiarise you with what you will hear in the recording that follows.
- Place your cursor at the start of the transcript so that you can move the cursor along with the transcript as you hear the recording. This will enable you to track each word that is mentioned in the recording.
- As soon as you hear a word that does not match the word in the transcript on-screen click the word and move forward. The recording will keep playing so it is important you keep up with it.
- Once the recording stops click next to move to the next task as the timer will keep on running.