For the IELTS listening matching information question type you will need to listen to a recording and match two sets of information. This question type normally occurs in parts 1 and 3 where you hear a conversation between two or more people.
Matching information sample task

Source: Official IELTS website www.
Before the recording
Read the question
Utilize the time before the recording to read the question carefully. Try to understand what is being asked in the question as this will help you answer the questions.
Understand what is being asked

Source: Official IELTS website www.
In the question above you are given three options, each of these options is a decision taken by Jack for the various courses. You need to match the decision made by Jack for each of the courses mentioned below. These decisions are divided into three categories. The first is that he’ll do a particular course. The second one is he may or may not do a particular course. This means you will need to look out for courses in the recording that Jack is uncertain about. And the third one is that he will not do a particular course.
Match the options given above for each of the questions below

Source: Official IELTS website www.
It is important to read and follow the instructions in the question to the word. If the question above requires you to select the correct letter, A, B or C you need only to select the letter and not the entire option. You will lose marks if you write or select the entire option instead of the letter for that option.
During the recording
Listen to the recording carefully
The recording will play only once so listen carefully to the recording to find the answer to the questions by selecting the correct answer option(s).
Identify the synonyms and paraphrasings
Synonyms and paraphrasing will be used throughout the recording.
A synonym is a similar meaning word.
A paraphrase is to say something in your own words using different words to make it easier to understand.
Examples of paraphrasing
After listening about the Media Studies Option Jack says “Mmm. Well that was interesting, but I’ve decided I’d rather do something completely new” but he actually means that he won’t do it.
When he hears about Women and power he says “Oh, really? I’ll sign up for that, then.” He actually means that He’ll definately do it.
When Jack hears about culture and society he says “I’ll think about that one.” He isn’t deciding upfrontt whether he will do it or not but will think and decide later so he is actually saying that he may or may not do it.
When Jack hears about Identity and popular culture he says “Right, well I might wait until then to decide.” He wants to wait untill it is decided who will run it so he is actually saying that he may or may not do it.
For introduction to cultural theory Jack says “I’m quite interested in that too.” He actually means that He’ll definately do it.
The recording will not match the given answer options word for word. It is important to understand the meaning of what is being said.
Look out for traps/distractors
A trap or a distractor is a word or a sentence that seems to be the correct answer to the questions at first but turns out to be the opposite in meaning upon listening carefully. It might also be an option that seems like the correct answer at first but the speaker discards it later.
Examples of traps/distractors
21 When Dr. Ray explains about media studies Jack says “Mmm. Well that was interesting, but I’ve decided I’d rather do something completely new.” He finds the course interesting but he decides to try something new. He is not going to do this course.
22 When Dr. Ray talks about women and power Jack initially says “So it would be useful if I intended to specialise in women’s studies … but I’m not sure I do actually.”His initial response hints that he is not sure and you would think B (He may or may not do it) is the correct answer, but that is not the case. Dr. Ray then explains that its useful as he will learn about the women’s issues and that it is taught by Dr Steed. Jack now changes his stance and says “Oh, really? I’ll sign up for that, then.” If don’t follow the entire conversation till the end you might end up selecting the wrong option.
23 Jack asks about culture and society option at this stage he is still considering that option and it seems that he will take it, but when Dr. Ray says “That addresses the historical debate on the place of culture since the
Industrial Revolution in Britain.” Since the course focuses on history and since Jack had done a lot of it in the last semester he concludes saying “anyway I’ll think about that one.” which means he may or may not do it. the entire conversation moves from Jack initally showing interest in it to him not being sure about it.
24 When Dr. ray tells Jack about the Identity and popular culture course, he intially find it interesting and asks “Oh? That sounds interesting. Can you tell me who runs it?”. Once he finds out that the teacher for the course will be decided by next week he changes his stance saying “ Right, well I might wait until then to decide.”
25 Jack intially seems interested in the Introduction to the cultural theory course. He said “I’m quite interested in that too.” Then Dr. Ray tells him that he had covered a lot of that already in Communications 102, and it might be less useful than some of the others.Jack then changes his mind and says “Oh, I’ll forget about that one, then.” Which means that he decides he won’t do it.
Correct answers
21 C (He won’t do it)
22 A (He’ll definitely do it)
23 B (He may or may not do it)
24 B (He may or may not do it)
25 C (He won’t do it)
Recording link
Source: Official IELTS website www.
You will hear a Communication Studies student talking to his tutor about optional courses
for the next semester.
Dr Ray Come in. Oh hello Jack. Have a seat. Right … you said you wanted to see
me to talk about your options next semester?
Jack That’s right. We have to decide by the end of next week. Really, I’d like to
do all five options but we have to choose two, don’t we.
Dr Ray Yes, but the choice depends on your major to some extent. You’re
majoring in Communication Studies, aren’t you?
Jack That’s right.
Dr Ray So for example the Media Studies Option will cover quite a lot of the
same area you did in the core module on mass communications this
semester – the development of the media through the last two centuries,
in relation to political and social issues.
Jack Mmm. Well that was interesting, but I’ve decided I’d rather do something
completely new. There’s a Women’s Studies option, isn’t there?
Dr Ray Yes, ‘Women and Power’ – again it has a historical focus, it aims to
contextualise women’s studies by looking at the legal and social situation
in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries …
Jack So it would be useful if I intended to specialise in women’s studies … but
I’m not sure I do actually.
Dr Ray Well, it might still be useful to give you an idea of the issues involved. It’s
taught by Dr Steed.
Jack Oh, really? I’ll sign up for that, then. What about the option on Culture
and Society?
Dr Ray That addresses the historical debate on the place of culture since the
Industrial Revolution in Britain.
Jack So a historical focus again …
Dr Ray Do I get the message you’re not so keen on history?
Jack Well, it’s just we seem to have done quite a lot this semester … anyway
I’ll think about that one.
Dr Ray If you’re interested in a course focusing on current issues there’s the
option on Identity and Popular Culture – that approaches the subject
through things like contemporary film, adverts, soap operas and so on.
Jack Oh? That sounds interesting. Can you tell me who runs it?
Dr Ray Well, it’s normally Dr Stevens but he’s on sabbatical next semester, so
I’m not sure who’ll be running it. It should be decided by next week
Jack Right, well I might wait until then to decide … And the last option is
Introduction to Cultural Theory, isn’t it. I’m quite interested in that too – I
was talking to one of the second year students, and she said it was really
useful, it made a lot of things fall into place.
Dr Ray Yes, but in fact in your major, you’ll have covered a lot of that already in
Communications 102, so that might be less useful than some of the
Jack Oh, I’ll forget about that one, then.
Dr Ray Now while you’re here, we could also discuss how you’re getting on with
your Core Module assignment …
Source: Official IELTS website www.