PTE scoring

Automated scoring

PTE Academic tests are scored using an Artificial Intelligence system automatically. This system is trained by feeding it data from thousands of tests scored by human scorers. This process eliminates any human bias involved in scoring.

Scoring of Written English

To score the written tests Pearson has an automated tool known as the Intelligent Essay Assessor which is powered by their Knowledge Analysis technology(KAT) engine which evaluates writing accurately using an approach known as latent semantic analysis which generates semantically similar words and passages by analyzing large chunks of text.

Scoring of Spoken English

Pearson uses Ordinate technology to score spoken English. This technology analyzes and scores the speech. It can recognize words, relevant segments, syllables and phrases and then assess spoken English using statistical modelling technology.

PTS tests are scored against the Global Scale of English. This is a granular scale which ranges from 10 to 90 points. This scale is a granular numerical scale which makes it easier to track performance.

Scoring Comparisons

Scoring comparison PTE vs IELTS

PTE Academic scoreIELTS score
10–22No data

Scoring comparison PTE vs TOEFL

PTE Academic scoreTOEFL iBT score
85 – 90No data
PTE Academic scoreTOEFL iBT score
10-37No data

Scoring comparison PTE vs CEFR(Common European Framework Reference for Languages)

PTE Academic ScoreCEFR levelUsage
85-90C2Highest level of English ability.
Not requested by universities or governments.
76-84C1Very high level of English proficiency.
Not required for undergraduate courses.
Required for Australian skilled migration visa
59-75B2Required for undergraduate or postgraduate courses.
Required for Australian skilled migration visa.
43-58B1Maybe required for undergraduate courses.
30-42A2Too low for academic courses.
Maybe needed for the foundation year courses.
10-29A1Too low for academic or foundation courses.

Understanding your PTE score

PTE Score report

PTE Academic Score Report has 2 main aspects, the Overall score, and the four Communicative Skills score.

  1. Overall score – As the name suggests, the overall score for the entire test. The test will comprise 52 to 64 tasks from the 20 different task types. The Overall score ranges from 10 to 90 points where 10 is the lowest you can get and 90 is the highest score possible. Please note that the Overall score is not the average of the Communicative Skills Scores.
  2. Communicative Skills score – There are four Communicative Skills Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading. These skills have a score range from 10 to 90 points. Some of the tasks on the PTE Academic exam test integrated skills like Reading and Speaking, listening and Writing, etc. The score of such tasks impacts the scores of each of these Communicative skills.

Task scoring

Two ways in which the tasks in the PTE exam are scored.

  1. Correct or Incorrect – Responses to some tasks can either be Correct or Incorrect. One point is awarded if the response is correct and no point is awarded if the response is incorrect.
  2. Partial Credit – Responses to some tasks can be fully correct, partially correct, or incorrect. Such tasks qualify for partial credit. Maximum marks will be awarded If the task is fully correct. Some marks will be awarded if it is partially correct, and no marks will be awarded if it is incorrect.

Traits scored

  • Content – The response’s content should be relevant to the content expected in the task.
  • Form – This score is based on the number of words in the response. If the task expects an Essay of 200 to 300 words, then less than 200 or more than 300 would mean that the form has not been adhered to and will negatively impact the score.
  • Vocabulary – Strong collections of words to choose from to enable correct expression of what one means.
  • Pronunciation – Pronouncing words with the correct pronunciation, like a native speaker of the language.
  • Oral fluency – Speak at a natural pace that is smooth, without any hesitation, pauses, or self-correction. Oral fluency is scored by determining if your rhythm, phrasing, and stress are smooth.
    • Rhythm – English speakers tend to stress certain syllables at regular intervals, this reoccurrence of stressed syllables is rhythm. The rhythm consists of intonation, stressed syllables, weak syllables, and pauses in speech.
    • Phrasing – A phrase is a collection of words used to express an idea.
    • Stress – This is the degree of emphasis given to a sound or syllable. Incorrect stress can often change the meaning of the sentence so care should be taken to stress the right words to convey the correct meaning.
  • Spelling – Write the correct spelling for words.
  • Grammar – constructing grammatically correct sentences.
  • Development structure and coherence – Response should display good development of ideas and a logical structure. A good response is one in which the ideas are connected and these connections are explained. there is a clear structure with an introduction to the task followed by a body which usually has 2 to 3 paragraphs and a conclusion. There is a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas are clearly explained with examples.
  • General linguistic range – A good response is one in which words are used to correctly express ideas and remove ambiguity
  • Written discourse – can be adhered to by creating a structure of the written text, the logical development of the central idea of the text, and the use of linguistic resources to express the meaning correctly.

Example of Scoring – Write Essay

Write essay scoring example

The scoring for the Write essay task starts with the scoring for Content / Form, Content checks if the content of the essay matches the content that is expected as per the topic of the essay. Form checks of the response are within the specified length for the task(e.g.200 to 300 words) if the Content and Form are not as per specification the scoring stops here and a 0 is given, no further scoring happens on the remaining traits.

If the Content / Form score is greater than 0 then the remaining traits of Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar, Development, Structure and Coherence, and General linguistic range are scored which contribute to a total score.

The total score then contributes to the Communicative score and the PTE Academic overall score.

Scoring criteria

Speaking & Writing

ItemsDurationCountScoringSkills scoredTraits scored
Read aloud6-7Partial creditReading & speakingContent:
every replacement, omission or insertion of a word counts as one error.
Maximum score: depends on the length of the task prompt.
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Intrusive
0 Non-English
Oral fluency:
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Limited
0 Disfluent
Repeat Sentence10-12Partial creditListening & speakingContent:
Any replacements, omissions and insertions are considered an error.
Hesitations, filled or unfilled pauses, and leading or trailing material are ignored in the scoring of content.
3 All words in the response from the prompt in the correct
2 At least 50% of words in the response from the prompt in the correct sequence
1 Less than 50% of words in the response from the prompt in the
correct sequence
0 Almost nothing from the prompt in the response
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Intrusive
0 Non-English
Oral fluency:
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Limited
0 Disfluent
Describe image3-4Partial
5 Describes all elements of the image and their relationships,
possible development and conclusion or implications
4 Describes all the key elements of the image and their relations,
referring to their implications or conclusions
3 Deals with most key elements of the image and refers to their
implications or conclusions
2 Deals with only one key element in the image and refers to an implication or conclusion. Shows basic understanding of several
core elements of the image
1 Describes some basic elements of the image, but does not make
clear their interrelations or implications
0 Mentions some disjointed elements of the presentation. May not
deal properly with the prompt due to significant amounts of
pre-prepared/memorized material.
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Intrusive
0 Non-English
Oral fluency:
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Limited
0 Disfluent
Re-tell lecture1-2Partial
Listening and
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Intrusive
0 Non-English
Oral fluency:
5 Native-like
4 Advanced
3 Good
2 Intermediate
1 Limited
0 Disfluent
5 Re-tells all points of the presentation and describes characters,
aspects and actions, their relationships, and the underlying
development, implications and conclusions
4 Describes all key points of the presentation and their relations,
referring to their implications and conclusions
3 Deals with the most points in the presentation and refers to their
implications and conclusions
2 Deals with only one key point and refers to an implication or
conclusion. Shows basic understanding of several core elements
of the presentation
1 Describes some basic elements of the presentation but does not
make clear their interrelations or implications
0 Mentions some disjointed elements of the presentation. May not
deal properly with the prompt due to significant amounts of
pre-prepared/memorized material.
Answer short question5-6Correct/incorrectListening and speakingVocabulary:
1 Appropriate word choice in response
0 Inappropriate word choice in response
Summarize written text1-2Partial
Reading and
1 Is written in one, single, complete sentence
0 Not written in one single, complete sentence or contains fewer
than 5 or more than 75 words. The summary is written in capital
1 Is written in one, single, complete sentence
0 Not written in one single, complete sentence or contains fewer
than 5 or more than 75 words. The summary is written in capital
2 Has the correct grammatical structure
1 Contains grammatical errors but with no hindrance to
0 Has a defective grammatical structure which could hinder
2 Has appropriate choice of words
1 Contains lexical errors but with no hindrances to communication
0 Has defective word choice which could hinder communication.
Write essay1-2Partial
3 Adequately deals with the prompt
2 Deals with the prompt but does not deal with one minor aspect
1 Deals with the prompt but omits a major aspect or more than
one minor aspect
0 Does not deal properly with the prompt. This includes responses
that contain a significant amount of pre-prepared/ memorized
2 Length is between 200 and 300 words
1 Length is between 120 and 199 or between 301 and 380 words
0 Length is less than 120 or more than 380 words. Essay is written
in capital letters, contains no punctuation or only consists of
bullet points or very short sentences
Development, structure and coherence:
2 Shows good development and logical structure
1 Is incidentally less well structured, and some elements or
paragraphs are poorly linked
0 Lacks coherence and mainly consists of lists or loose elements
2 Shows consistent grammatical control of complex language.
Errors are rare and difficult to spot.
1 Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. No
mistakes which would lead to misunderstandings
0 Contains mainly simple structures and/or several basic mistakes
General linguistic range:
2 Exhibits smooth mastery of a wide range of language to formulate
thoughts precisely, give emphasis, differentiate and eliminate
ambiguity. No sign that the test taker is restricted in what they
want to communicate
1 Sufficient range of language to provide clear descriptions, express
viewpoints and develop arguments
0 Contains mainly basic language and lacks precision
Vocabulary range:
2 Good command of a broad lexical repertoire, idiomatic
expressions and colloquialisms
1 Shows a good range of vocabulary for matters connected
to general academic topics. Lexical shortcomings lead to
circumlocution or some imprecision
0 Contains mainly basic vocabulary insufficient to deal with the
topic at the required level
2 Correct spelling
1 One spelling error
0 More than one spelling error


CountScoringSkills scoredTraits scored
29 – 30 Mins.
Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks5-6Partial credit
(for each correctly
completed blank)
Reading and writing:
1 Each correctly completed blank
0 Minimum score
Multiple choice, choose multiple answers1-2Partial credit (for each
correct response. Points
deducted for incorrect
options chosen)
1 Each correct response
1 Each incorrect response
0 Minimum score
Re-order paragraphs2-3Partial credit
(for each correctly
ordered, adjacent pair)
1 Each pair of correct adjacent textboxes
0 Minimum score
Reading: Fill in the blanks4-5Partial credit
(for each correctly
completed blank)
1 Each correctly completed blank
0 Minimum score
Multiple-choice, choose single answer1-2Correct/ incorrectReading:
1 Each correctly completed blank
0 Minimum score


Skills scored
Traits scored
30-43 Mins.
Summarize spoken text1-2Partial creditListening and writingContent:
2 Provides a good summary of the text. All relevant aspects are
1 Provides a fair summary of the text, but one or two aspects are
0 Omits or misrepresents the main aspects
2 Contains 50-70 words
1 Contains 40-49 words or 71-100 words
0 Contains less than 40 words or more than 100 words. Summary
is written in capital letters, contains no punctuation or consists
only of bullet points or very short sentences.
2 Correct grammatical structures
1 Contains grammatical errors with no hindrance to
0 Defective grammatical structure which could hinder
2 Appropriate choice of words
1 Some lexical errors but with no hindrance to communication
0 Defective word choice which could hinder communication
2 Correct spelling
1 One spelling error
0 More than one spelling errors.
Multiple–choice, choose
multiple answers
1-2Partial credit (for each
correct response. Points
deducted for incorrect
options chosen)
Partial credit (for each correct word spelled correctly)
Fill in the blanks2-3Partial credit (for each correct work spelled correctly)Partial credit (for each correct word spelled correctly)
Highlight correct summary1-2Correct/ incorrectListening and reading
1 Correct response
0 Incorrect response
Multiple choice, Choose single answer1-2Correct/ incorrectListening
1 Correct response
0 Incorrect response
Select missing word1-2Correct/ incorrectListening
1 Correct response
0 Incorrect response
Highlight incorrect words2-3Partial credit (For each word. Points deducted for incorrect options chosen)Listening and reading
1 Each correct word
-1 Each incorrect word
0 Minimum score
Write from dictation3-4Partial credit (for each word spelled correctly)Listening and writing
1 Each correct word spelled correctly
0 Each incorrect or misspelled word

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