You have worked very hard to prepare for your PTE exam, and now is the time you give it all you have to come out at the top. So you must plan this day. We have shared some PTE exam day tips to make it easier for you.
Day before the exam
you must plan for a day before the test too. Follow these guidelines to succeed
- Eat an early and moderate dinner.
- Try to sleep early. You will get extra energy if you have rested well. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep on the night before the test is imperative.
Day of the exam
Eat light
- On the day of the exam eat lightly. Don’t fill yourself to the brim. If you eat full then you will feel drowsy.
- Try a bit of meditation or Yoga to keep your nerves in control. 30 minutes will be just fine.
Plan to reach the testing centre early
Plan to reach the testing centre at least 30 to 45 minutes early. This will give you ample time to get into the right mindset for the test. It would be best if you were relaxed and well-rested.
Plan to bring a valid government ID.
- Bring a valid and original government ID (not photocopies). along with you like a passport, driver’s license, or any other national identification card.
- Your ID must have a photo that matches your current appearance.
- This ID should be in a non-digital format.
- This ID should not have been issued more than 10 years ago.
- Double-check to ensure that the name in your test booking is the same as the name on your ID.
- Failure to provide a valid ID could lead to the cancellation of the exam and loss of exam fees.
Check-in at the testing centre
- The test administrator will greet you at the testing centre.
- Check your government ID.
- Take your digital photograph.
- Ask you for a digital signature.
- Scan the palm of your hand.
- The administrator will guide you to your locker where you can keep your items, like your phone, book wallet, etc.
During the test
- The administrator will guide you to your seat, which will be in a small booth, adjacent to other stalls, where you will have a computer, keyboard, headset, chair, notebook, and pencil, request 2 pencils so no time is wasted during the test sharpening broken ones.
- There may be other test takers who booked in the same slot, so expect background noise when they speak. This is where you will need to focus only on your test. The headset provided is good and won’t pick up any background noise.
- You will be given a QWERTY keyboard so you must practice on one before your test.
- Read the questions and instructions carefully.
- Stay within the word limits.
- Start speaking within 3 seconds of the mike opening or it will auto-close.